(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[孔杰]PB[Baek Hongseok]WR[九段]BR[八段]DT[2011-06-10]EV[23rd Asian TV Cup]RO[Final]WT[China]BT[Korea]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[http://gogameguru.com/]RE[白胜黑]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This is a commentary of the final game in the the 23rd Asian TV Cup.];W[dd]C[Black is Baek Hongseok from Korea, and white is Kong Jie from China. ];B[pq]C[Kong won the Asian TV Cup for the last two years in a row, and this is third time he has won it. On the other hand, it's first time Baek Hongseok has been in the final of this title. ];W[dq];B[co];W[po];B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[nc];B[qf];W[dm]LB[nc:A]C[The A is ladder breaker. You will see how W can use A later. ];B[pn];W[qm]LB[qf:B][jp:A]C[Playing at A is also playble for W.];B[on];W[qj]LB[nc:A][qf:B][qh:C]C[In this case, W's exchange A and B is still working. If there's no exchange, B'd play at C right away. Extending at C became smaller. ];B[cf](;W[ch]C[Good choice. ];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce];B[fc];W[jp]C[Big move. So far, there's no mistake for both. I feel it's a bit favourable for W, but it must still be even at this stage. ];B[cm]LB[co:A][do:B]C[It's time to move the stone A. If B plays somewhere else, W'd attach at B. ];W[cl];B[dl]C[B tries to get rhythm to play on the bottom. ](;W[em]C[Good answer. ];B[ck];W[bl];B[bm];W[bk];B[ep](;W[dp](;B[dk];W[bj];B[en]LB[do:A]C[Only move for B as A is not working. ];W[fq]C[Right move. ];B[hp]C[Baek is good at local fighting, and this is typical of his play. ];W[fp];B[eo];W[bp]LB[eq:A][gr:B]C[Good answer. It's better than playing at A or B, and it's even sente. ];B[bo];W[go];B[gn];W[fm]C[Nice order. ];B[fo]C[Very good answer. When you see this sort of move in top pros' games, it'd be either very good or the game is already bad. In this case, it's the former.];W[gr]C[Proper answer. ];B[gp];W[iq]C[The game is still even. W looks ok with this connection, but W's flat on the bottom. ](;B[di]C[Mistake. Direction of play is not easy. ];W[gm];B[jo];W[gj]C[Good sense. ];B[dh];W[cg];B[dg];W[bf]LB[df:A]C[Cutting at A would be wrong. ];B[gg];W[jm]C[Good sense too, and the game is becoming better for W. ];B[jn];W[km];B[lo];W[pb];B[qc];W[ig]C[W takes the initiative of the game. ];B[hh];W[hn];B[ho];W[in];B[io];W[ij];B[ih];W[kg];B[kh];W[kj]C[W is leading now. ];B[lc]C[Baek's style of play. If B keeps playing in the centre, W'd extend on the top. ];W[ne];B[jd]C[Even though W is leading now, it's a very small margin. ];W[ie];B[ki];W[lg];B[lj];W[kk];B[id];W[gc]C[A wonderful move for W. If the top area becomes all B's territory, I wouldn't say W is better. ](;B[fd];W[gd];B[fe];W[ge];B[fb]C[Necessary. ];W[gf];B[ff];W[ib]C[W successfully cuts B off. ];B[le](;W[ke](;B[mf]C[No choice for B. ];W[kd];B[ld];W[of];B[jb]C[Good tesuji];W[jc];B[ic];W[kc];B[kb];W[hb];B[od];W[nd];B[mg]C[The game is still better for W, but B is aiming at W's top group. ];W[qb];B[qi]C[Nice leaning strategy to attack white's top right group. ];W[pi];B[ph]C[Black continues with the strategy. ];W[qh];B[pg](;W[mb]C[Right move. ];B[ri];W[pj];B[lb];W[rb];B[if]LB[hm:D][im:C][cp:A][cq:B]C[An excellent move! This is what B was aiming at, but it was premature. Sometime before, B had to exchange A and B. Or C and D. ];W[jf];B[hf];W[je];B[hg];W[jg];B[lf]C[W can't live by itself, but can try to escape.];W[lh];B[mh];W[li];B[mi];W[mj];B[lk];W[kn]C[Yes, This move is what Baek missed. He might have thought the group on the left side is already alive. ](;B[im]C[A bit too late. ](;W[mk]C[Right move, and B is miserable. ](;B[rj];W[rk];B[rh];W[hm]C[The game's practically over here. ];B[cp]C[Too late. ];W[ni];B[nh];W[ec];B[eb];W[cq]C[No problem for W anymore. ];B[ll];W[nm];B[ci];W[bi];B[nj]C[When you are winning, you should be super careful. ](;W[ml]C[Nothing happened. ];B[ok];W[om];B[pm];W[pl];B[ol];W[bq]LB[if:C][di:A][cp:B]C[Black resigned here. The opening was ok for both, and black made a first mistake at A. White played very smoothly afterwards, and kept leading. Black had to play at B earlier, and as Kong didn't see that C, Baek could have gotten a chance to win the game. Through the whole game, both played pretty smoothly and gently. Kong's won the Asian TV Cup three times in a row now, and if he wins again he will tie with Takemiya Masaki's record.Commented by An Younggil 8p.](;)(;B[ko]C[If B connects here, ];W[oo];B[nn];W[mn];B[no];W[mo];B[np];W[mp]C[That big B's group can't live. ]))(;W[nk]C[If W atari here, ];B[jh];W[he];B[nl]C[B'd escape and W'd go crazy...]))(;B[hm]C[If B take them out, ];W[rh]C[This whole top right B group'd be in danger. ]))(;W[hm]C[If W connects here, ];B[ko];W[mk];B[ll];W[nm];B[jh];W[he];B[kl]C[It's a great move! W can't stop these black stones from escaping. ]))(;B[jh]C[If B doesn't answer];W[ko]C[Cut off. ];B[cp]C[If B pokes here for live, ];W[bq]C[Now, W can respond here, and];B[cq];W[cr];B[dr];W[br]C[W can connect here];B[eq];W[er];B[ds];W[cs];B[do];W[dq];B[dp];W[as]C[W's corner live, but B can't make two eyes. ]))(;W[ri]C[If W takes this, ];B[rb]C[W's top right group would be in trouble. ]MA[pb][qb][nc][nd][ne][of]))(;B[kd]C[If B answers here, ];W[lf]C[W can block like this now. ]))(;W[mf]C[It'd be overplay to seal. ];B[jf];W[jg];B[hf];W[he];B[if]C[Now W can't save his stones on the top. ]))(;B[gd]LB[gc:A]C[B can't try to capture A. ];W[ec]C[Because B can't stop W now.]))(;B[cp]C[B should play here. ](;W[cq]C[W'd answer here. ];B[fk]C[Jumping here is right then. ];W[gm];B[hk];W[im];B[bq];W[br];B[ap]C[This variation should be the best for B. The game looks favourable for B. ])(;W[fk]C[If W doesn't answer the corner, ];B[cq]C[This is big. The game'd be still even. ])))(;B[do]C[If B blocks here, ];W[eo]C[W'd cut. ];B[dk];W[bj];B[en];W[fo];B[dn];W[fn];B[fm]C[Generally, this is a ladder, but ];W[el]LB[nc:A]C[B can't capture because of A. ]))(;W[eq]C[Normal answer is here, ];B[fp];W[fq];B[gp]C[but, B is ok with extension. ]))(;W[ck]C[No good. ];B[eq]C[Good tesuji. ](;W[em];B[dp];W[cn];B[cq]C[W's left side is over concentrated. ])(;W[dp]C[If W goes here, ];B[em];W[dn];B[do];W[en];B[eo];W[fn];B[ep]C[W is in trouble. ]))(;W[cn]C[If W atari here first. ];B[bm];W[em];B[dn]C[This cut is good, and];W[dk];B[en];W[bl];B[bn]LB[el:B][fq:A]C[A and B are miai for black. ]))(;W[fc]C[If W answers here, ];B[ci]C[B's happy with this extension. ];W[do];B[jp]C[Playing on the lower side is big. ]))

围棋孔杰棋谱    围棋Baek Hongseok棋谱
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